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Training and technical assistance organization, specializing in work at height, rope access and confined space, HTC Techniques Verticales supports you in the implementation of your training projects and brings you its technical and regulatory know-how.

Analyzing and controlling risks, operating according to an operating mode and training in rescue techniques, such is the daily life of HTC Techniques Verticales trainers.

At the side of companies for more than ten years, our team, made up exclusively of men and women in the field, guarantees you interventions that are as close as possible to your expectations and operational objectives.


For the needs of its customers, HTC Techniques Verticales intervenes in metropolitan France, DOM/TOM and internationally and also welcomes trainees on its three dedicated and certified technical platforms:

- Marseille_Peypin (13_Bouches du Rhône)

- Nantes_Chateaubriant(44_Loire Atlantique)

- Lille_Leforest(62_Pas de Calais)

Always in close collaboration with institutions, Occupational Health and Safety organizations   and professionals in the sector, HTC Techniques Verticales is at your disposal to respond to the various issues related to the company's activity. .

Our internal procedures and qualitative objectives in line with international standards guarantee you interventions that meet your expectations as closely as possible while providing you with the acquisition of knowledge in blocks of skills.

Since 2017, HTC Techniques Verticales has been approved by IRATA International (Full Member Trainer), international certification for the management of the safety and quality of work at height and work on ropes (rope access technician) whose validity is recognized in France by companies and principals.

As such, we provide IRATA rope access training/certifications from level 1 to level 3 on our certified and approved technical platforms in Marseille_Peypin / Nantes_Chateaubriant and Lille_Leforest.

From the beginning of its creation, HTC Techniques Verticales wanted to be part of a quality approach through its training, in order to respond optimally   to the problems of the field and the expectations of companies while respecting regulatory aspects.


Within the framework of law n° 2018-771 of September 5, 2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future  (Article 6) and always in an overall satisfaction of services as a professional training provider HTC Techniques Verticales obtains in September 2020, the QUALIOPI quality certification (Auditor: Bureau Veritas) for the organization and management of its actions de work at height training,rope access training IRATA and GWO wind training.

The certified characteristics:

  • Information on the training offer

  • Designing and updating training

  • Processing training requests

  • Quality of training services

  • Trainee course

  • Organization of training

  • Compliance with the requirements of funding bodies

  • Continuous improvement of services...

For years alongside players in the wind power sector, HTC Techniques Verticales validates its GWO (Global Wind Organisation) approval in October 2021 and provides on its technical platforms in Marseille / Nantes and Lille, the GWO Full BST Onshore and Offshore module_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_including:

- FIRST AID(First aid): 7h

- Manual handling(Manual handling): 3.5 hours

- Fire safety(Fire awareness): 3.5 hours

- Survival at sea(Seasurvival): 7h

- Work at Height(Work at height): 2 p.m.

HTC Techniques Verticales provides GWO training in initial version or refresher (recycling)

Satisfaction rate 2nd half of 2022

Trainee  satisfaction rate: 94%

Customer satisfaction rate: 95%

Satisfaction rate of funding organizations : 100% 

formation travaux en hauteur et travaux sur cordes région paca marseille fos sur mer martigues nice toulon aix en provence manosque dignes gap orange afrique cameroun gabon côte d'ivoire sénégal portugal
irata formation htc techniques verticales membre france

The quality certification was issued under the following category 

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