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Since 1987, the IRATA association has been the world's leading authority on Quality/Safety for rope access work (rope access), work at height and confined spaces.

The IRATA label relates to a Quality and Safety Management system dedicated to rope work sites and rope access technicians in order to manage and supervise sites with difficult access.

As of August 1, 2022, IRATA members are present in 67 countries, on 6 continents through 626 companies which are approved for IRATA training and/or rope access operations (construction sites).

To date, IRATA rope access training is the only certification in France for whichrecycling isofficially compulsory every three years.

IRATA  member companies like HTC Techniques Verticales must complete specific admission requirements and regular audits (every 3 years) to ensure they meet IRATA requirements and standards for quality assurance, safety, training and work practices. The IRATA audit program meets the standardsISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001.

The IRATA standard has a training, assessment and certification program for personnel engaged in rope access methods (TACS) as well as a rope access technician's guide (ICOP). All IRATA members are required to use this program. Rope access technicians are grouped into three technical levels according to their experience and their level of evaluation.

Find out more about the IRATA rope access quality/safety

HTC Techniques Verticales is the only IRATA-certified independent French training center to offer you an IRATA rope access training program from Level 1 to Level 3 on6 days (42h)  and to provide you with the necessary guarantees for your safety and that of your construction sites.

In order to provide a global vision of rope access work (operation and training) and total transparency of the activities of its members, the IRATA standard publishes its activity report every year: WASA (Work And Safety Analysis).

Consult the WASA 2021here

Being a rope access technician IRATA means:


Adhere to a quality and management system dedicated to rope access technicians

Train with a regularly audited member,

Maintain and update your IRATA rope access skills every3 years,

Have the validity of his rope access training all over the world,

Operate with strict and supervised work procedures

Do your work professionally and confidently, 

Have feedback from all members around the world. 

The sectors of activity where we find the IRATA rope access technician:  

oil and gas platform

Energy and Petrochemicals

Natural Hazards

Construction / Urban

Marine works 

Confined spaces  


Wind power / Renewable energies / Events ...


IRATA CORDIST TRAINING Level 1 - 6 days - 42h

At the end of his training, the IRATA Level 1 rope access technician is able to equip himself with his PPE, to evolve on ropes in complete safety and to perform a specific range of techniques.

French and European regulations working at height

General work at height and on ropes

Knowledge, use and wearing of PPE for falls from heights

Make your knots and lanyards safely

Install and equip your ropes / a fixed and temporary anchor

Move in "artif" fixed and horizontal mobile

Ascent and descent on ropes

Change of strings

Single and double deviations

Passage of knots, small and large splits and parapets

Descent rescue...

IRATA CORDIST TRAINING Level 2 - 6 days - 42h

At the end of his training, the IRATA Level 2 rope access technician is an experienced technician: 1000 hours minimum as an IRATA Level 1 rope access technician and who has the skills of level 1 as well as more complex skills mooring, rescue and rope access.

French and European regulations working at height

General work at height and on ropes

Knowledge, use and wearing of PPE for falls from heights

Make your knots and lanyards safely

Install a fixed and temporary anchor

Ascent and descent on ropes

Change of strings

Single and double deviations

Passage of knots, small and large splits / parapets

Move in "artificial" fixed and mobile horizontal and vertical

Reminder system

Zipline facility

Complex rescue on ascent, descent and in various situations...

Register for an IRATA  training by downloading the file below:

Voir les dates de formations cordistes IRATA sur les sites de formation HTC Techniques Verticales en cliquant sur le logo IRATA ci-dessous

Discover the video of the IRATA rope access training/certification system


At the end of his/her training, the IRATA Level 3 rope access technician is a technician capable of demonstrating the skills and knowledge required for levels 1, 2 and 3. He/She knows the relevant working techniques and applicable laws. He/She has in-depth knowledge of advanced mooring and rescue techniques. He/She must have a valid first aid certificate (SST, First Aid, etc.) and have accumulated a minimum of 2000 hours as a rope access technician. He/She has the skills required to become a Supervisor / Supervisor in rope access work (Site preparation, management, procedures, etc.)

French and European regulations working at height

General work at height and on ropes

Knowledge, use and wearing of PPE for falls from heights

Make your knots safely

Install a simple anchor

Ascent and descent on ropes

Change of strings

Single and double deviations

Passage of knots, splits and parapets

Reminder system, Zipline facility

Team rescue management

Risk analysis and team management

Verification of PPE

Help in complex situations...

IRATA rope access training by HTC Vertical Techniques 

HTC Techniques Verticales is the only IRATA training center in France to guarantee you 100% independence.

IRATA training duration + Assessment (exam) :42h - 6 days (Initial IRATA Training and IRATA Refresher Training)

Period of validity: 3 years (from the date of assessment) -Validity: France and International

EAR: Supplied by HTC Techniques Verticales (1 complete PPE kit / trainee + collective equipment)

Documentation: Technical manual + Rope access technician's guide to good practice (ICOP) + Safety reference IRATA 

Number of places/training sessions: 8 people. maximum

Trainers: IRATA Level 3I (Instructor) and Level 3 certified.

Prerequisites: Knowing how to read and write.

1000 h of experience  on ropes minimum and up-to-date Log Book (only for Lv.2 and Lv.3)

SST or First Aid (valid only for level 3)

Since January 01, 2022, the Log Book isOBLIGATORY  during training forall traineess holders of an IRATA number (Refresh or Upgrade)

It must be presented on the first day of training.

Recycling IRATA rope access certification: Every 3 years (Duration of recycling: 6 days)

Upper Tier Eligibility :12 months+ 1000h of experience

Languages: Our IRATA training modules are held bilingually in French and English 

Training documents: Rope access professional card + diploma + Log Book(diary of hours of experience on ropes)

HTC Techniques Verticales IRATA approved training sites:

Marseille_Peypin (South/Paca 13)

Nantes_Chateaubriant (Loire Atlantique 44)

Lille_Leforest (62) (Hauts de France 62)

Success rate HTC_2022* IRATA rope access training:

Level 1: 93%

Level 2: 100%

Level 3: 90%

*Period 01 January to 30 June 2022

Replacement Official IRATA Documents

If you have lost your official IRATA rope access training documents, you can order a new copy directly

on the official IRATA 

Accommodation for IRATA training in Marseille_Peypin (13) / Nantes_Chateaubriant (44) or Lille_Leforest (62).

Contact us to receive guides to accommodation and activities around our technical training platforms.

Rope access job opportunities after your IRATA training

Each trainee who has taken the IRATA training at HTC Techniques Verticales can be put in touch with French and international companies with needs for IRATA rope access technicians at level 1, level 2 and level 3.

Go to the Jobs section of the site, click here:Rope access and work at height jobs


Our training courses are not accessible to workers with disabilities Category A, B and C.

More information:

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